About Us

About Us

The BVI International Arbitration Centre (BVI IAC), an independent not-for-profit institution, was established to meet the demands of the international business community for a neutral, impartial, efficient and reliable dispute resolution institution in the Caribbean, Latin America and beyond.

The Arbitration Act, through which the BVI largely adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law, and the BVI’s accession to the New York Convention on 25 May 2014, are crucial steps, which made possible the establishment of a viable and internationally respected arbitration centre in the BVI.

Lord Goldsmith singled out the BVI International Arbitration Centre as having the potential to become the “best thought out and thus most popular” centre in the region.

A well run and well equipped ‘state of the art’ centre, together with the acknowledged quality of the BVI legal framework and the stable political environment offered by a British Overseas Territory, should enable the BVI to rapidly become a leading arbitration hub in Latin America, the Caribbean and beyond.

Our Vision

To become the International Arbitration Centre of choice to meet the rapidly evolving dispute resolution needs of arbitration users worldwide.

Our Mission

The BVI IAC aims to become the go-to institution for International Arbitration and all other forms of dispute resolution in the Caribbean, The Americas and beyond. The IAC will be a nerve centre for dispute resolution, thought leadership, seminars and trainings as well as various other initiatives that contribute to the expansion of Arbitration worldwide.

Our Core Values

Our values guide how we conduct our relationships with one another, our clients and stakeholders, while working towards achieving our aim of being the International Arbitration Centre of choice for dispute resolution in the Caribbean, The Americas and beyond.

  • We strive for service excellence, value independence and encourage flexibility
  • We are committed to ensure equal opportunity and believe that inclusion and diversity are essential values that must be protected
  • We are determined to deliver – whatever the challenge
  • We do all this exercising integrity and team work