Dr. J. S. Archibald Lecture Series

Dr. J. S. Archibald
Lecture Series

The Dr. J. S. Archibald, Q.C. Memorial Lecture recognizes the relentless and sterling efforts of the late Dr. J. S. Archibald, Q.C, a giant of BVI jurisprudence, who made enormous contributions to the development of a modern arbitration regime in the British Virgin Islands.  

As a world jurist and international arbitrator, Dr. Archibald, Q.C. supported the idea of modernizing the BVI’s arbitration regime to a standard comparable to those established by renowned international arbitration centres. He ensured that the Arbitration Act, 2013 would reflect a legal framework that promoted flexibility in arbitrating disputes, promoted the speedy resolution of disputes with limited court interference, gave prominence to the interests of the arbitrating parties, and prevented unnecessary restriction in the grant of awards and costs to the arbitrating parties. The Act was also designed to enable the arbitration of both domestic and international disputes.

Past lecture, speakers have included:

Rt. Hon. Lord Goldsmith, P.C, K.C.

Sir Charles Michael Dennis Byron

Wendy Miles KC

Honourable Dame Janice M. Pereira DBE.